
Louisa 1 scaled - Gallery

Are you curious to see what your kitchen could look like? There is nothing more exciting than being able to visualise the art and form of your dream kitchen, even better when you have references to work from. We have compiled some of our favourite projects here for your perusal but know that every single project is always tailor-made to suit your individual needs. Every home deserves a personalised touch, whether it be for your home kitchen or for a project that you are working on for a client, in which case we will work closely with you to achieve the perfect aesthetic (while staying on budget and on schedule).
We pride ourselves on being expert kitchen interior designers that pour passion and craft into every home kitchen interior design project that we do. To that end, we love being able to share the work that we have done with you. Take a look through our gallery so that you can catch a glimpse of our work for both kitchen design services and our bespoke custom cabinets in Auckland. Get in touch with us if you have any questions or if there is a particular kitchen that piques your interest – it’ll be a great starting point for planning your custom design.